Do You Believe In Soulmates?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Soul Mate Myths

by: Randall Curtis

Our soul is our heart. It is full of radiance. Therefore, our soul mate is someone who reflects our heart.

A man's heart is feminine and the woman who is his soul mate reflects his soul. A woman's heart is masculine and the man who is her soul mate reflects her soul. Each one feels the presence of the other inside of them as the very core of who they are. There is a deep recognition of this truth.

The painful truth is that most people have never known this inner radiance. Instead, they cling to the many myths about the soul mate relationship that are simply not true. These false beliefs need to be understood. Here are just a few.

Myth One: Many people believe that they will find their soul simply by looking, wishing, hoping and dreaming.

They feel that somehow this person will come along and make them eternally happy. This is the most naive of all the soul mate myths.

Myth Two: Others tend to rely upon how much they are attracted to another person to determine if they are their soul mate or not. The truth is that our attractions are very deceiving. The myth is that we can trust our feelings of attraction, as if our feelings are a validation of the facts. Further, the attraction you may have for someone could actually be a fatal attraction without you even realizing it. You may think a person is your soul mate, but you could simply be sexually obsessed with them.

Myth Three: Why are so many of us looking for a soul mate when we don't have any capacity for true heart intimacy? Even if our soul mate actually does appear, we become so terrified of giving our heart to them that we run 100 miles in the other direction. The unconscious myth here seems to be that we can find our soul mate without surrendering our heart.

Myth Four: Another myth is that we will recognize our soul mate if we meet them. We fail to realize that if our soul mate reflects our soul, and we are unable to feel our own inner radiance -- don't really love ourself or know who we are -- then we will be unable to recognize him or her. In fact, you could know such a person for years without even recognizing that they are your soul mate. I know this to be true, because it happened to me.

So, how do you find your soul mate?

If we really do want to find our soul mate, then we must realize that we have to awaken to a greater capacity for surrendering our heart. By surrendering our heart, we will know the wound of love as well as the profound sense of intimacy that comes with it. Take the Soul Mate Test and check out The Soul Mate Discovery Group at the link below. Let me know what you think. It may be time to destroy your myths.

About The Author

(c) 2005-06 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis is a professional astrologer and director of The Institute of Professional Astrology. He is he author of an outstanding text on relationships, "No One is a Mystery - How to Use the Planets to Understand Anybody." Please visit him at or email

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Karmic Soulmate

What is a Karmic Soul Mate?
by: Dorothy Thompson

One of the most interesting, yet baffling, things about life is that out of all the people in the world, a few fortunate ones will touch our lives in a special way and leave long-lasting impressions. One such person is your karmic soul mate.

While other soul mates come into your life for intimate reasons, not so the karmic soul mates; for they are the ones who come into your life to teach you something about yourself or help you with a particular task.

While there are usually no sexual relations with this person, there is still that bond, that closeness, that inevitable feeling that this person is pretty darn special. It may be a special friend, co-worker or even a member of your family, but one thing is for sure, without them your life would not be complete.

I have compiled ten questions and answers that will explain in more detail what karmic soul mates are all about. It is my hope that you come away with a clearer understanding of the karmic soul mate relationship and can use this knowledge to recognize those people who touch you in ways no others can.

Can a karmic relationship go on to the next level?

No. Once a karmic soul mate, always a karmic soul mate. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of believing that there is more there that really isn't. The karmic soul mate solely comes into your life to teach you something or you teach them and then they as well as you move on.

What kind of lessons do karmic soul mates teach you?

That depends on the particular situation. One karmic soul mate may come into your life to teach you about strength, while another might teach you about compassion. I've had karmic soul mates come into my life to show me that I needed to stop and smell the roses. I've had karmic soul mates come into my life to show me how to better myself. I've also had karmic soul mates come into my life to help me complete tasks I wouldn't otherwise know how to do on my own.

Do karmic soul mates find their way into each other's path again?

Of course. But when they do, it's to learn new lessons.

The karmic soul mate bond, just as in other soul mate relationships, never goes away.

You say that family members can be karmic soul mates. Can you give an example?

Your mother is your first karmic soul mate. The aunt who took care of you when your parents couldn’t is another example. The grandmother who encouraged you throughout college, and was always there for you when others couldn't or wouldn't. Good examples of karmic soul mates. They support you, love you and are there for you.

Can animals be soul mates, too?

Yes, as funny as this seems, animals can fall into this category.

I have a story in my anthology, Romancing the Soul, by an incredible writer named Avie Townsend that exemplifies the karmic soul mate experience beautifully.

When I read her story about a cat she owned named Eli, I knew right away that this was no ordinary pet. Avie and Eli had connected on a spiritual level and exhibited extraordinary personal communication. Cats, as well as other animals, all have souls.

Remember, every living organism on this earth can become your soul mate.

If this is so, what about that philodendron sitting in my living room? It is a living organism. Can that plant be a soul mate, too?

As strange as it sounds, yes. Because of the fact that it is a living, breathing organism, it has potential of becoming a karmic soul mate. Have you ever seen a homeless person carrying around a certain plant? I have. That plant must have had special meanings to it or could it be they have connected on a karmic soul mate plane? Sure!

It is a documented fact that when you talk to plants, they thrive. Ignore them and while they may not die, they do not prosper as much than if you were to "connect" with them on a spiritual level. Talk to your plants and see if I'm not right.

Anything that is breathing and alive can be a potential soul mate.

Could I ever end up marrying my karmic soul mate?

No. This would fall into the companion soul mate category.

What are the differences?

A karmic soul mate comes into your life for you to teach them something or to learn something from them. A companion soul mate comes into your life for intimacy and/or childbearing.

A karmic soul mate comes into your life intermittently while a companion soul mate relationship can go on for years.

A karmic soul mate is the easiest soul mate to find while the companion soul mate takes time and much thought and is the most tumultuous of the three separate kinds of soul mates.

Why do you say tumultuous?

The karmic soul mate relationship usually stays on an even keel, while the companion soul mate comes with its own set of problems. That's not saying that there won't be differences within the karmic soul mate relationship, but that it never gets as explosive as it does within the companion soul mate relationship. Of the three kinds of soul mates karmic, companion and twin soul the companion soul mate relationship is the category that takes a lot of work for it to succeed. A karmic soul mate relationship requires no " if little " work to remain at an even balance of wills and demands.

What else would you like to say about soul mates?

In order for you to fulfill your life's destiny, you must allow your karmic soul mates to enter your life. What would have happened if Lucy did not have Ethel to get her out of all those jams? Karmic soul mates come into your life for reasons and it is through them that we discover an important side to life in general and to ourselves, too. Our lives would not be complete if not for the incredible bond of the karmic soul mate.

About The Author

Author and soul mate expert Dorothy Thompson is one of the nation's leading authorities on soul mates. Her book "Romancing the Soul" and ebook "How to Find and Keep Your Soul Mate" are two of the most comprehensive guides to explaining what soul mates are really all about. Dorothy's relationship columns have appeared in publications in the U.S. and abroad and has been quoted in such books as "Mean Girls Grown Up: Adult Women Who Are Still Queen Bees, Middle Bees, and Afraid-to-Bees" by Cheryl Dellasega. She is a popular radio media guest, appearing on such shows as Lifetime Radio, Single Talk (World Talk Radio), Around2It, and Cuzin Eddie Show with Penny Sansevieri and 850 KOA-AM (Clear Channel Radio with listeners in 38 states, Canada and Mexico) and other media outlets.

To receive a FREE special report on "Ten Tips in Identifying Your Soul Mate," visit her personal website at or her soul mate advice website at You can also visit her blog at

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Spiritual Partners

by: Udo Vieth

Often we hear people talk about searching for their soul mate. Looking for a match made in heaven. And other such statements.

Is this possible. Is there any truth to these statements?

We all know that different religions have different takes on the above, so I will try and avoid making any judgement calls in this area. As a matter of fact, let me state that in the context of this article, that I am not equating Spirituality with religion in any way whatsoever.

I merely exploring the attraction of partners beyond the normal physical and emotional norms we normally associate with relationships.

Could it be possible, that two people are attracted to one another due to some type of cosmic alignment? Let me explain what I mean. First we need to accept that there are universal laws governing our existence in this universe. These are undeniable. Consider the law of gravity. It affects you, whether you believe in it or not. This is a universal law!

If you now consider that the law of gravity is merely a law of attraction of two "bodies" of similar properties,this opens up a whole new understanding In this case bodies of matter. Would it be so inconceivable to accept the existence of this law of attraction between two "bodies" of similar matter in the "spiritual" or energetic realm? Let's call them "souls" for want of a better term at this stage. Is it not feasible that attraction between similar entities could be a valid observation.

That would explain the "Soulmates". This implies that entities that are similar, experience a higher degree of attraction than dissimilar entities. This could also explain, why we are attracted to a certain type of character in a person, over and over again.

Now what about a match made in heaven. Of course this depends largely on your definition of heaven. For the sake of the issue at hand, lets define heaven as an ideal environment of contentment and bliss, free of any physical stresses. By implication then, the "match made in heaven" would be an attraction and joining of "entities" in such a way , that the sum of the parts would ensure the existence of circumstances such as defined for heaven. In other words, together they complement each other in such a way as to make their existence easier and more blissful because of their joining. This would be the ideal situation, which we would all strive for if we understood and believed the totality of it.

All the above thoughts were merely an attempt to let your thought processes about relationships break out of the box and consider new dimensions.Scientists have shown that there are definite actions and understandings which can build upon these thoughts. So if you are prepared to open up your mind, and cast off the stereotypical beliefs that society puts out, you may discover a new, exiting and definitely different way to look at relationships.

The acceptance that nothing is as tightly defined as it appears, opens up a world of possibilities to experience and create relationships that could have been "made in heaven"

Remember, keep on loving with an open mind.

About The Author

Who is Udo Vieth? He is fast becoming an expert on love, relationship, romance, as well as being a qualified EFT and Biofeedback practitioner. He has a website: with information regarding all aspects of relationships.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Soul Mate or No Soul Mate

by: Ian Parker

Let's face it, dating is tough. It's even tougher when you have to get past the social hurdles of being gay. No matter what, you must always remember that it's your first priority to be true to yourself and make sure you're with the person you're seeing for the right reasons. If you don't look out for yourself, no one else will.

Some people go through life thinking that they will never find "The One." So they settle. They settle for abusive relationships, selfish lovers, cheaters, and liars just because they don't want to be alone. They overlook the fact that sometimes being alone for a while is the best thing. Being alone gives you the opportunity to contemplate and decide what you're looking for, where you want to look for it, and ultimately, where you want to be five or ten years down the road.

I'm not saying that you can plan out any relationship and follow each step of it like a schedule. The truth is, you never know what is going to happen. But if you know just a little bit of what you want out of a relationship, it will only be a benefit to you and the person you're seeing. Nothing is worse than being with someone who doesn't know what they want.

That being said, here are some things you ought to consider before giving your heart your most precious possession away.

1. Never settle for someone who is selfish. True, we are all selfish in some way or another; but in the grand scheme of things, you'll want to be with someone who considers your feelings before acting. When you are working 3 jobs, and set aside a long-awaited Saturday night to spend with your loved one, you don't expect them to go out, get drunk, and fall asleep before you get to their house. That is selfish. Choose someone who puts your feelings above and beyond everything else. "The One" will be waiting for you with a rose.

2. Speaking of roses, be sure to choose someone who is generous and thoughtful someone who will surprise you with flowers or a nice dinner when you are tired and had a miserable day. They don"t have to do it all the time, but once in a while, to show they care makes all the difference in a relationship.

3. Never settle for someone who is judgmental of others. The more tolerant a person is of others, the more tolerant they will be of you.

4. Never settle for someone who drinks too much or takes drugs. They will never change.

5. Never settle for someone who puts you down and makes you feel unimportant. This person does not care about your feelings. Mistreating you gives them a sense of power. Avoid this person like the plague. If you are involved with them already, tell them to take a hike even if it is the hardest thing you ever had to do. You'll thank yourself one day when you do meet "The One."

6. Never settle for someone who doesn't know how to laugh and have fun, even in the most trying situations. Someone who can turn a rotten time into the best time is worthy of your time and love.

7. Never settle for someone who leaves you hanging about the future. If they can't commit to you now, chances are they won't be committing to you anytime soon. Don't torture yourself chasing them around. You'll be wasting your time.

8. Choose someone who helps you be the best person you can be. Be with someone who gives you good advice, and wants you to succeed.

9. Do not be with someone who is jealous whether they are jealous of your relationships with your friends, or don't trust you to go out without them there. Without trust, a relationship has no foundation.

10. Choose someone with a big heart, who will love you no matter what you do.

Try to keep these things in mind the next time you make a decision about love. More often than not, you will be grateful that you did.

About The Author

Ian Parker writes for Dr Dating - If you are single and looking for love then this is the site for you. Articles, Reviews and Links to the best sites on the Internet and the DrDating Forum a forum for people looking for help in love, relationships and dating.

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