Spiritual Partners
Often we hear people talk about searching for their soul mate. Looking for a match made in heaven. And other such statements.
Is this possible. Is there any truth to these statements?
We all know that different religions have different takes on the above, so I will try and avoid making any judgement calls in this area. As a matter of fact, let me state that in the context of this article, that I am not equating Spirituality with religion in any way whatsoever.
I merely exploring the attraction of partners beyond the normal physical and emotional norms we normally associate with relationships.
Could it be possible, that two people are attracted to one another due to some type of cosmic alignment? Let me explain what I mean. First we need to accept that there are universal laws governing our existence in this universe. These are undeniable. Consider the law of gravity. It affects you, whether you believe in it or not. This is a universal law!
If you now consider that the law of gravity is merely a law of attraction of two "bodies" of similar properties,this opens up a whole new understanding In this case bodies of matter. Would it be so inconceivable to accept the existence of this law of attraction between two "bodies" of similar matter in the "spiritual" or energetic realm? Let's call them "souls" for want of a better term at this stage. Is it not feasible that attraction between similar entities could be a valid observation.
That would explain the "Soulmates". This implies that entities that are similar, experience a higher degree of attraction than dissimilar entities. This could also explain, why we are attracted to a certain type of character in a person, over and over again.
Now what about a match made in heaven. Of course this depends largely on your definition of heaven. For the sake of the issue at hand, lets define heaven as an ideal environment of contentment and bliss, free of any physical stresses. By implication then, the "match made in heaven" would be an attraction and joining of "entities" in such a way , that the sum of the parts would ensure the existence of circumstances such as defined for heaven. In other words, together they complement each other in such a way as to make their existence easier and more blissful because of their joining. This would be the ideal situation, which we would all strive for if we understood and believed the totality of it.
All the above thoughts were merely an attempt to let your thought processes about relationships break out of the box and consider new dimensions.Scientists have shown that there are definite actions and understandings which can build upon these thoughts. So if you are prepared to open up your mind, and cast off the stereotypical beliefs that society puts out, you may discover a new, exiting and definitely different way to look at relationships.
The acceptance that nothing is as tightly defined as it appears, opens up a world of possibilities to experience and create relationships that could have been "made in heaven"
Remember, keep on loving with an open mind.
About The Author
Who is Udo Vieth? He is fast becoming an expert on love, relationship, romance, as well as being a qualified EFT and Biofeedback practitioner. He has a website: www.Toprelationships.com with information regarding all aspects of relationships.
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